To treat dandruff, apply a small amount of liquid lime sulfur to your cat’s coat.

How to use lime sulfur dip on cats

Systemic remedy; Clipping and Shaving. how much zinc for sleep reddit

. . Be sure to check the product label for specific dilution and application instructions. . Aug 20, 2018 · Lime sulfur dip is a sulfurated lime soluti. This item Classic's Lime Sulfur Dip - Pet Care for Itchy and Dry Skin - Xtra Strength Formula - Safe Solution for Dog, Cat, Puppy, Kitten, Horse (16 fl oz) Flea, Tick and Mange Dip 1 Pint Demodectic Mange Relief for Dogs - All Natural Healthy Coat and Itch Relief for Puppy Mange, Canine Scabies and Walking Dandruff on Skin (450 Pills). .

If your kittens are long haired, you may need to shave them to treat them effectively and more quickly.

Mix the solution well and use gloves when applying to the animal’s skin.

That being said, sulfur does not always work, which is why there are so many alternatives.

Use a spray bottle or garden sprayer with a fine mist setting for dip application.

The active ingredient in lime sulfur dip is elemental sulfur, which is an odorless yellow solid.


Concentrated suspensions are diluted to 2% prior to use. Lime sulfur bathes are recommended in a 1:16 dilution or 8 oz per gallon of water. .


Lime dips require a prescription and the most commonly used dip is known.


Shake the bottle well and then dilute 4 to 8 ounces of lime sulfur solution in a gallon of warm water.

Mix the solution well and use gloves when applying to the animal’s skin. Directions For Use.

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Although older studies reported on the potential risk for oral ulcers in cats that lick their coat while still wet, newer studies have not confirmed these findings, raising the possibility that the older studies used more concentrated solutions.

Be sure to keep sprayer end close to the cat's skin when applying.


. Gloves. The treatment protocol varies depending on what is being treated, but most often, the diluted dip is applied. 8 out of 5 stars 12.

Lime Sulfur Use.

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This dip resolution smells like rotten eggs and it's made up of 97. Oct 3, 2012 · snowy said: Lime sulphur is effective for ringworm, but wow! pray everything work out well and kitty won't start licking before you rinse thoroughly. A couple of drops in a teaspoon of carrier oil (like almond) in another small bottle with dropper. Remember, spores come up through the hair follicles, so any treatment, especially early in the course of the infection, needs to prevent recontamination of the coat to avoid spread to people,. Lime sulfur is a traditional pesticide that has been popular in cats for control of Notoedres, Sarcoptes, Demodex, Cheyletiella, Lynxacarus, chiggers and lice infections. . For use on dogs, cats, puppies and kittens. . Nov 28, 2018 · I used neem soap and oregano oil on her rash twice a day to get rid of it. 🐾 EASY TO USE - Dilute this flea dip in water, then use the mixture to rinse or sponge on your pet. . .

. Aug 20, 2018 · Lime sulfur dip is a sulfurated lime soluti. . Apply the diluted Lime Sulfur dip with a sponge directly over the affected areas on the pet and massage into the skin.


Feb 3, 2023 · 3 heaping tablespoons borax.



Safe to use on pregnant and nursing animals and kittens/puppies > 2-3 weeks old.

If your cat lick the spray or dip, she/he may have problems with their stomach. Apply twice weekly throughout. Although the. Spray the body, limbs, tail, and paws, getting in between the toe pads. .

By pre-wetting cats, you are adding water and therefore diluting the solution, possibly making it less effective.

If your kittens are long haired, you may need to shave them to treat them effectively and more quickly. Allow the product to air dry and don not rinse. .